Gardening boost for local primary

Young woman and child planting seeds in a raised flower bed

Green-fingered pupils of Littlecoates Primary Academy received a helping hand from their gardening chums here at Grimsby Garden Centre in the creation of their new mini orchard.

Pupils at the school dug deep and got stuck into planting the free fruit trees and floral seeds we donated as they enjoyed outdoor activity after months of home schooling.

At Grimsby Garden Centre, we know more than most about the positive impact of horticulture on both mental and physical health.

Owned by leading NHS mental health services provider NAViGO, profit made by the garden centre goes back into its upkeep and straight into improving mental health services across North East Lincolnshire.

Not only that, but we encourage individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and people with mental health difficulties to get back into work by offering skills, training and employment opportunities.

NAViGO head of commercial services Jo Keen said:

“We think young people should have the opportunity to experience nature and have the chance to grow vegetables, fruit and flowers. We know how beneficial gardening can be for both physical and mental wellbeing – it can be very calming, inclusive, reduce stress and it’s also great to have an understanding of where food comes from. And as pupils return to the classroom following months of home schooling, we are determined to support young people in getting outside and having some muddy good fun. We love being part of the local community, we consider ourselves much more than just a garden centre and we hope this is the start of a season’s long friendship.”

Tilly, one of the academy’s pupils, enjoyed her time outdoors:

“I planted a fruit tree,” she said. “We had to dig a hole, put it in, move the soil back and then stand on the soil and stamp it down. That was my favourite part. I also planted a sunflower seed. I am looking forward to it growing really high with a bright yellow flower on it. We did some weeding and digging which I enjoyed because there were lots of worms. We also got messy!”

Littlecoates Primary Academy principal Neville Wilkinson thanked Grimsby Garden Centre for their support of the mini orchard.

“We really appreciate the efforts that have been made to create a special outdoor place for our children,” They were really excited about the plans and helping the gardeners. It is wonderful to see them outside enjoying the activity and feels like another step towards normality.”

Over the next few weeks, Grimsby Garden Centre will be sending free Grow With Us seed packs to all local primary schools across North East Lincolnshire to celebrate a return to outdoor activities, encourage the creation of garden havens and to spark an interest in nature.
